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Learn how to pray as a beginner in Islam: A guide and mobile app

An Islamic prayer learning app can be a convenient and efficient way to learn the various aspects of prayer, including the correct posture, the words to say, and the proper sequence of actions. This app provides interactive instructions and exercises and can be accessed anytime, anywhere. You can also request additional features such as prayer reminders, audio recordings of prayers, and other resources for learning about Islam.


Learning the prayer in Islam with the smartphone!

Prayer is an integral part of Islam and a way for believers to communicate with Allah and ask him for guidance. For those who want to learn how to pray, there are many resources, including smartphone apps.

One of the main advantages of using the smartphone app Muslim2go to learn how to pray is the convenience it offers. With this app, one can access the necessary information and instructions at any time and from any location. This can be especially useful for those who do not have access to a mosque or a qualified teacher in their area.

Another benefit of using a Muslim2go smartphone app to learn how to pray is the interactive nature of the learning experience. The Muslim2go app provides interactive instructions and exercises that can help users understand and remember the various elements of the prayer. This can be especially useful for those who are new to the faith and may feel intimidated by the prospect of learning how to pray.

In conclusion, the Muslim2go smartphone app can be an effective and convenient way to familiarize yourself with this important aspect of the faith (prayer in Islam). With interactive instructions and additional resources, this app can help users feel more confident and connected in prayer as they learn how to pray and strengthen their relationship with God.

Prayer (Salah in Arabic) is a central part of Islam and one of the five pillars of Islam. It is a way for Muslims to communicate with God, express their gratitude and worship, and ask for guidance and help. To learn how to pray in Islam, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Learn the meaning of the prayer and the specific words and phrases used. You can find translations and explanations of the prayers in books or online resources, or you can ask a knowledgeable friend or teacher to help you understand the meanings.
  2. Find a clean and quiet place to pray. Muslims are encouraged to pray in a mosque, but you can pray anywhere as long as it is clean and free of distractions.
  3. Perform ablution (wudu) before prayer. This involves washing your face, hands and feet to prepare yourself physically and mentally for prayer.
  4. Learn the proper posture and movements for each part of the prayer. There are certain steps and movements that are followed during prayer, including standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting.
  5. Recite the prayers in Arabic. While it is not necessary to be fluent in Arabic to pray, it is important to learn the correct pronunciation and meaning of the words.
  6. Focus on the meaning of the words and connecting with God as you pray. Prayer is a time for contemplation and reflection, but it is also a time to ask for guidance and help.

It may take some time for you to learn how to pray and become comfortable with the process. It is helpful to have a mentor or teacher to guide you and answer any questions you may have. As you continue to pray and learn more about Islam, you will develop a deeper understanding and a closer connection to God.

To begin praying in Islam, follow these steps:

  1. Find a clean and quiet place to pray. It is recommended to face the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca when praying, so find a place where you can face that direction.
  2. Perform the ritual ablution (wudu) by washing your face, hands and feet. This is a symbolic purification ritual required before prayer.
  3. Stand facing the Kaaba and recite the opening prayer, called the “Takbir,” which reads, “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest).
  4. Recite the first chapter of the Quran (Al-Fatiha).
  5. Perform the bowing (ruku) by bowing, placing your hands on your knees and saying “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest).
  6. Stand upright and recite a verse from the Quran.
  7. Perform the prostration (sujud) by falling on your hands and knees and saying “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest).
  8. Stand back up and repeat the bowing, standing and prostration.
  9. Complete the prayer by turning your head to the right and saying “As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh” (Peace be upon you and the mercy of God and His blessings). Then turn your head to the left and say the same.

Prayer in Islam is an important ritual performed by Muslims several times a day. It is a way for believers to connect with God and seek guidance and strength for their daily lives.

In Islam, it is Sunnah to say “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is the greatest”) 33 times after a prayer. This is known as tasbih, a practice of glorifying and praising God. It is said that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) recited the Tasbih 33 times after each prayer to express his devotion to God.

The Tasbih is usually recited by repeating the phrase “Allahu Akbar” 33 times, followed by “Subhan Allah” (All Glory Be to Allah) 33 times, and then “Alhamdulillah” (All Praise Be to Allah) 33 times. Some Muslims also choose to recite other praises and glorifications after prayer. This practice is voluntary and not prescribed in Islam, but is considered a highly recommended act of devotion.

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Islam Fiqh

Learn all about prayer in Islam now with the Mulsim2go app.

The Islamic application is available in 2 languages: English and German. Other languages will be added.

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